Q & A with Therapist Jenn Kirkpatrick, LPCC

background of greenery and nature with the overlay of words Welcome Jenn Kirkpatirck, LPCC therapist

Meet Our New Therapist at Colorado Natural Medicine: Q&A with Jenn Kirkpatrick, LPCC

We are delighted to welcome therapist Jenn Kirkpatrick, LPCC, to our team at Colorado Natural Medicine. Jenn brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in clinical psychology, mindfulness-based practices, and holistic healing. Her diverse skill set, including specializations in trauma, PTSD, and addiction recovery, complements our integrated approach to wellness.

In this Q&A, Jenn shares her journey, therapeutic philosophy, and the unique modalities she employs to support her clients’ mental health and well-being. Join us in getting to know Jenn and discovering the passion and dedication she brings to her practice.

Q: Can you tell us a little about your educational background and professional qualifications?

I graduated from Villanova University with a Bachelors degree in Secondary English Education in 2000. I have since earned a Masters Degree from Naropa University in Clinical Psychology with a concentration in Mindfulness Based Transpersonal Psychology. I currently hold a credential at the MA, LPCC level, and am a working towards finishing requirements for added LAC (Licensed Addiction Counselor) credentialing. I have also been a certified Yoga teacher since 2008. I am credentialed at the E-RYT 500, YACEP level with trainings and endorsements as an AYS (Ayurvedic Yoga Specialist), Yoga Nidra, Yin Yoga, Prenatal Yoga, Alignment Based Practices, Power Yoga, and Restorative Yoga. I am also trained and Certified in Reiki healing at the Reiki I and II Levels.

Q: What inspired you to become a therapist?

My inspiration to become a therapist is rooted in the notion that the human experience is incredibly vast and that every human experience is deserving of support. I feel called to support these experiences through responsible and compassionate care as a Counselor.

Q: What are your areas of specialization as a therapist, and which types of therapy do you practice?

My areas of specialization include working in addictions/recovery, trauma, PTSD, and general mental health struggles. I practice different modalities of therapy including mindfulness based practices, person centered approaches, Gestalt based approaches, Yoga based practices, ACT therapy approaches, and Somatic work. I am also trained and have experience with Seeking Safety – a therapeutic curriculum and group environment that addresses PTSD and Addiction/Recovery together.

Q: What do you enjoy doing in your free time or what are your hobbies and interests?

I love spending time with my family as well as enjoying anything to do with nature, hiking, gardening or reading a good book.

Q: What advice would you give to someone considering therapy for the first time?

I believe that it is a brave step to come to therapy for the first time. My thoughts would include giving yourself grace as you navigate the process, and to keep yourself and your wellbeing at the forefront of your experience.

Q: What is your therapeutic philosophy or core belief about healing and personal growth?

I believe that healing and personal growth look different for everyone everyday. I believe that both aspects require graceful, compassionate, and respectful engagement on the part of Client and Clinician so that sustainable and compassionate progress can be felt and lived throughout the course of therapy.

Q: As a therapist, what kind of clients do you typically work with, and what challenges do you help them address?

I have worked with many Clients who are in the addiction/recovery community. This has involved a great deal of trauma work, work specific to PTSD, and work building sustainable supports for Clients to live a life aligned with their values.

I have helped Clients address issues of anxiety, depression, panic, mindfulness, self-care, bolstering daily life skills/resources, and mindful approaches to nervous system regulation to create space for healing.

Q: What role do you believe holistic practices play in mental health and wellness?

I believe that our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health is connected in countless ways. In using somatic, mindfulness based, and/or Yoga derived techniques in mental health care, we can build connections within ourselves that can potentially steward greater overall health and healing.

Q: Do you offer any workshops, group sessions, or specialized programs?

Absolutely! I have a great deal of experience in this area with respects to the yoga community, and am excited to collaborate with other mental health professionals to bring workshops, retreats, and specialized programming that incorporates mindfulness and holistic healing into sustained mental health practice and care.


We are incredibly excited to have Jenn Kirkpatrick, LPCC, join our team at Colorado Natural Medicine. Her extensive background, compassionate approach, and dedication to holistic healing make her a valuable asset to our practice. Jenn’s unique blend of clinical expertise and mindfulness-based techniques ensures that our clients receive comprehensive, individualized care. If you’re interested in exploring therapy with Jenn or learning more about our services, we encourage you to book a FREE 15 minute phone consult with Jenn Kirkpatrick, LPCC, today. Take the first step towards your wellness journey with us!

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